$000 $32999

    In a garden setting, natural predators play a vital role in maintaining a healthy balance by controlling pest populations. Many beneficial insects and animals act as natural predators in gardens. Ladybugs, lacewings, and hoverflies, for example, feed on aphids, mites, and other small pests. Praying mantises prey on a wide range of insects, including beetles and caterpillars. Ground beetles and spiders help control slugs, snails, and various garden pests. Birds such as robins and wrens consume insects and small rodents. To attract and support natural predators in the garden, providing diverse plantings, creating habitat structures like birdhouses or insect hotels, and minimizing the use of pesticides can be beneficial.

    16 products
      $000 $32999
      Koppert - Entonem Entomopathogenic nematodes
      from $49.99
      Koppert- Swirski-Mite 50,000 Amblyseius swirskii
      Koppert- Entomite Tube Stratiolaelaps scimitus
      from $29.99
      Koppert - Swirski-Mite Plus Amblyseius swirskii
      from $10.00
      Koppert- Thripor-I 1,000 Orius insidiosus
      Koppert - Swirski/Spical Ulti-Mite Combo Pack (50 sachets)
      Koppert - Spical Plus Neoseiulus californicus
      from $11.00
      Koppert - Spidex Vital Phytoseiulus persimilis
      from $35.99
      Koppert- Dibox Distribution Boxes
      Sold Out
      Pot Popper Pro Unit
      Stratiolaelaps scimitus
      from $43.75
      Koppert -Chrysopa (Chrysoperla carnea)
      from $82.99
      Sold Out
      Anatis - Orius 1000
      Koppert - Aphidalia ( Predatory beetle (ladybird)
      Koppert - Limonica (Amblydromalus limonicus) 12500u
      Koppert-Atheta-Dalotia coriaria
      from $119.99
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